Monday, August 23, 2010


In my third attempt I chose a stone with a far more geometric structure and beguiling color. This I feel is my most successful attempt. It's dreamy and more sublime. That is why I entitled it "Absinthe". As if I was creating it for a label of actual Absinthe.


Here I altered the color slightly unnaturally. It still works as a gemstone only with colors that don't happen in the real world.


I began observing gemstones and recreating them in Photoshop. I think it shows promise for graphic designs commercially.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Grabbing Hands

Souls collected by the Reaper, reaching out for things desired and unfinished from their former lives!

Story Teller

Self Portrait, yet an example of my work with pastels. I can create more realistic work too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can Can Cows, this was a large and complicated piece. My favorite characters are the wolf in the bottom center, and the idealistic young bull with the flowers.

Hurting Brain

Mad Med Crew

Nurse Ditsy, Nurse Foxy, Dr Jolt, Orderly Bruno, Nurse Lyle. each one is inept in their particular field
Concept for Halloween products, Greeting card, Party supplies, t-shirt. I am even thinking of a Children's Book
Yeh It's a birthday card, another one. this could go flash on an e-card who wouldn't want yodelling yoyo's wishing them a Happy Birthday?

digital Alchemy

Kind of a complicated piece, but I love it still because I still love Thomas Dolby. That's right this really old, 22 years old at least. This was a fantasy of mine for an album cover for him when I was a kid. the "4" on the cathode ray tube is signifying the "film start countdown" you know, "5,4,3,2,1" film starts.
In this case something magically is just seconds away from happening. "What could it be!?" Listen to Dolby and discover his genius!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

DA Paint Girl

Contest entry for deviant art Logo t-shirt Contest

Birth of Cosmos

And the Angel tossed the stars into the Heavens making the Universe from the void!

Spirit of Spirits

Angel of Wine: Stain glass phase

Moota Hari

Sacred Cow Temptress Goddess Moota Hari. if you look closely to Moo en Rouge you will see plaster figures of Moota Hari flanking both sides of the stage.

Embarrassing Dad: Happy Birthday!

His sense of fashion is scarier than Mom's. So is his advice on girls! Don't get him started on 80's music either.

Embarrassing Mom: Happy birthday!

Her pet names for you, her age inappropriate clothes, she still wants to clean your face with a spit soaked handkerchief. but She LOVES YOU!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Elections 2004

Yes, kind of dated, but I loved the idea of displaying the candidates on their designated party mascots in a playground setting. The joke being that they are spoiling for a race on vehicles that don't go any where. The background is filled up with characters of the then current media arena. Dick Cheney, John Edwards, Michael Moore, Osama Bin Laden, US Marine finding Saddam Hussein in a hole.  How times change, yet stay the same!

Rita and Maria

Navajo Wind

This guy would probably have the most valid opinion of "American Arrowhead"

American Arrowhead

Going a little graphic here yet painterly. This watercolor shows some of my work while I was fascinated with arrowheads and gemstones. I would love to do a whole series of paintings of both really BIG!  Super-imposing the American flag on this provokes strong reactions from everybody. People are not neutral with their opinion but  they tend to have assumptions based on personal beliefs, which I have found fascinating. If you are "LEFT" than it's America as a warring society. If you are "RIGHT" than it's America as a strong, protective society.  It's an arrowhead with an American flag on it! Yet it can't just be that can it? Not even with myself.
I first created this image along time ago with a male subject and of course wanted to recreate it as a woman too. I simplified it far more than it's predicessor. I felt it is more effective but I will post the male version too, so you can see the difference.

Burning Desire

Mother Nature (Young)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here, I am starting to pay attention...

I am going to actually start paying attention to this Blog that I opened a year ago, and exploring what people have out there through this venue. As well as putting myself out there!

I have gotten into enjoying a Valentine drawing now, each year, because Love is such a funny subject. this is 2010 V-Day drawing.