Thursday, February 19, 2009

This design won in the Anti-LOVE category. I first designed this one as a positive affirmation to the holiday. The lovers were to be embracing in the middle of the maze and the caption would have read, 'At Last!" The contest, however, was for Anti- Valentine designs so I changed it to what has now been criticized as rather bitter, and definitely down with love. I agree, it's too bitter for my taste too, but there must be some people who have not liked the outcome of their journey through the labyrinth of their hearts, because Cafepress chose this one as best in category. Go figure. I'll still take the prize, thank you.

I chose this little guy, because I recently created him for an Anti-Valentine Design Contest. I originally created a watercolor with the same character only there he was pointing an angry finger of frosting at you, and growling through gritted teeth, "Who the Hell you calling Cupcake, Buddy!"
I like ironic cute characters, which seem to be very popular today. He did not win in the catagory I entered him in, but I entered another design that did win! So I'll post that next. This one was my favorite, and since he's angry and tired of Valentine's Day, and thinks his mother is a hand held blender, I let him go first.

Birthstone Designs Debut!

Here is my Commercial Illustrations Blog. I am setting this up to have a place that I can upload my portfolio and get feed back. It is my hope that this can be a tool for presenting my artwork so that I can gather interest in my work, learn more of what's needed in developing my career, and interacting with all sorts of people interested in illustration and the commercial art media. I hope everyone likes it, and I am glad to participate here as well.
I have already seen some blogs on Blogger presenting really fine work in varying fields, so let's see what we can find out. Thank You for stopping by!
